Silicate Studio wants your home to be Rad. 

Silicate Studio is a home furnishings design studio and lab. We love to tinker with hardware for some reason. In fact, we are kind of obsessed with it. We love how functional hardware makes everything work and that decorative hardware polishes things off. We especially love how employing the right pieces can make your home super rad--like a professional did it. Anyone can pull off amazing, pro-quality installation. We design to that end.

We believe in honest design. Our entire approach is anchored by honest work for honest pay, honest, transparent dialogue, and honest solutions to interesting design problems. Life is too short to be cutthroat, dismissive or misleading, especially as it pertains to lighter, enlivening things like furnishing a home or building a piece of furniture. Our passion is in challenging  ourselves, not you. We have designed our interactions, our inner workings and all of our output to these ends. If you appreciate this kind of honest simplicity, we would love to work with you. 

-Kevin Anderson


The best way to get to know Silicate Studio is to follow us on Instagram. We would love to meet you there too.


Phone. 949.244.2897